DM Global Community Academy
1 Module $1200.00

Course Description

Fatti una Posizione - Carrier Coaching Program

A maximum of 10 coaching sessions via conference call (Skype or Zoom) depending on whether or not the objectives discussed have been achieved. The sessions will be focused on: a) Outcome of the specific personal questionnaire and specifically: b) Self-analysis: review together skills and strengths and decide which professional project best suits his personal and professional potential; c) Factors that could limit the personal and professional success of the participant; d) Factors that generate high added value; e) Critical factors on which it is necessary to focus attention. Market preparation: how to identify, search and contact the future employer or company of reference, prepare your promotional tools (curriculum and letters) and refine communication skills (interviews). Marketing campaign: define your attack strategy and implement the "hunt", developing the necessary strategy to correctly approach potential employers, headhunters, the internet (websites and social platforms), and your Network of people verifying with them the correctness, updating or modifying it if necessary. Evaluation of any offers and verification that they are in line with the expectations of the participant; Preparation for the eventual interview in order to maximize the chances of being selected; Preparation for how to deal with the relevant trial period.

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